EVCS (series) / Jan de Muijnck-Hughes

Registered user since Thu 7 Mar 2019
Name:Jan de Muijnck-Hughes
Generally speaking, I am interested in how we can take state-of-the-art advances in programming language theory, namely type-systems & functional programming as combined and presented in the Idris language, and use these advances to fundamentally change how we design systems to make them more trustworthy: Secure and Safe.
Specifically, I am interested in bettering system design and construction through applications of: functional programming; formal verification; mathematically informed programming; dependent types; sub-structural typing (quantitative, resource-dependent, session); and effect handlers. There are more topics that I am interested in, but the above keeps me busy for now!
Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:University of Glasgow
Personal website: https://jfdm.github.io
Research interests:Dependent Types, Programming Languages, Program Verification, Trustworthy Systems, Hardware Design & Verification.
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